Codigo íntegramente plageado de acá:
axes(‘Xlim’ ,[-8 8] , ‘Xtick’ ,-7:7,…
‘Ylim’ ,[-5 5] , ‘Ytick’ ,-5:5,…
‘YtickL’,” , ‘XtickL’,” ,…
‘Ygrid’ ,’on’ , ‘Xgrid’ ,’on’,…
‘Xcolor’,[.8 .8 .8], ‘Ycolor’,[.8 .8 .8]);
hold on
f1 = ‘(x/7)^2 * sqrt(abs(abs(x)-3)/(abs(x)-3)) + (y/3)^2 * sqrt(abs(y + 3/7*sqrt(33))/(y + 3/7*sqrt(33))) – 1’;
ezplot(f1,[-8 8 -3*sqrt(33)/7 6-4*sqrt(33)/7]);
f2 = ‘abs(x/2)-(3*sqrt(33)-7) * x^2/112 – 3 + sqrt(1-(abs(abs(x)-2)-1)^2) – y’;
ezplot(f2,[-4 4]);
f3 = ‘9 * sqrt(abs((1-abs(x))*(abs(x)-0.75)) / ((1-abs(x))*(abs(x)-0.75))) – 8*abs(x) – y’;
ezplot(f3,[-1 -0.75 -5 5]);
ezplot(f3,[ 0.75 1 -5 5]);
f4 = ‘3*abs(x) + 0.75*sqrt(abs((0.75-abs(x))*(abs(x)-.5)) / ((.75-abs(x))*(abs(x)-.5))) – y’;
ezplot(f4,[-0.75 0.75 2.25 5]);
f5 = ‘2.25*sqrt(abs(((0.5-x)*(0.5+x))/((0.5-x)*(0.5+x)))) – y’;
ezplot(f5,[-0.5 0.5 -5 5]);
f6 = ‘6*sqrt(10)/7 + (1.5-0.5*abs(x)) * sqrt(abs(abs(x)-1) / (abs(x)-1)) – 6*sqrt(10)/14 * sqrt(4-(abs(x)-1)^2) – y’;
ezplot(f6,[-3 -1 -5 5]);
ezplot(f6,[ 1 3 -5 5]);
title(‘Nananananana’); xlabel(”); ylabel(”)
xlbl(1:15,1:2) = ‘ ‘; xlbl([1,8,15],:) = [‘-7′;’ 0′;’ 7′];
ylbl(1:11,1:2) = ‘ ‘; ylbl([1,6,11],:) = [‘-5′;’ 0′;’ 5′];
axes(‘Xlim’ ,[-7 7], ‘Xtick’ ,-7:7,…
‘Ylim’ ,[-5 5], ‘Ytick’ ,-5:5,…
‘YtickL’,ylbl , ‘XtickL’,xlbl,…
‘Box’ ,’on’ , ‘Color’ ,’none’);

Adelante estudios.

2 Comentarios

  1. No me andó… Este si me funcionó bien.% Grey axesaxes('Xlim' ,[-7 7] , 'Xtick' ,-7:7,… 'Ylim' ,[-5 5] , 'Ytick' ,-5:5,… 'YtickL','' , 'XtickL','' ,… 'Ygrid' ,'on' , 'Xgrid' ,'on',… 'Xcolor',[.8 .8 .8], 'Ycolor',[.8 .8 .8]);hold on% Outer wingsf1 = '(x/7)^2 * sqrt(abs(abs(x)-3)/(abs(x)-3)) + (y/3)^2 * sqrt(abs(y + 3/7*sqrt(33))/(y + 3/7*sqrt(33))) – 1';ezplot(f1,[-8 8 -3*sqrt(33)/7 6-4*sqrt(33)/7]);% Bottomf2 = 'abs(x/2)-(3*sqrt(33)-7) * x^2/112 – 3 + sqrt(1-(abs(abs(x)-2)-1)^2) – y';ezplot(f2,[-4 4]);% Outer earsf3 = '9 * sqrt(abs((1-abs(x))*(abs(x)-0.75)) / ((1-abs(x))*(abs(x)-0.75))) – 8*abs(x) – y';ezplot(f3,[-1 -0.75 -5 5]);ezplot(f3,[ 0.75 1 -5 5]);% Inner earsf4 = '3*abs(x) + 0.75*sqrt(abs((0.75-abs(x))*(abs(x)-.5)) / ((.75-abs(x))*(abs(x)-.5))) – y';ezplot(f4,[-0.75 0.75 2.25 5]);% Connect inner ears (flat line)f5 = '2.25*sqrt(abs(((0.5-x)*(0.5+x))/((0.5-x)*(0.5+x)))) – y';ezplot(f5,[-0.5 0.5 -5 5]);% Inner wingsf6 = '6*sqrt(10)/7 + (1.5-0.5*abs(x)) * sqrt(abs(abs(x)-1) / (abs(x)-1)) – 6*sqrt(10)/14 * sqrt(4-(abs(x)-1)^2) – y';ezplot(f6,[-3 -1 -5 5]);ezplot(f6,[ 1 3 -5 5]);% Change line color and widthset(get(gca,'children'),'Color','b','Linew',2)% Title and labelstitle('Batman'); xlabel(''); ylabel('')% Superimpose black axes with xy-ticklabelsxlbl(1:15,1:2) = ' '; xlbl([1,8,15],:) = ['-7';' 0';' 7'];ylbl(1:11,1:2) = ' '; ylbl([1,6,11],:) = ['-5';' 0';' 5'];axes('Xlim' ,[-7 7], 'Xtick' ,-7:7,… 'Ylim' ,[-5 5], 'Ytick' ,-5:5,… 'YtickL',ylbl , 'XtickL',xlbl,… 'Box' ,'on' , 'Color' ,'none');

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